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Actors of Urban Change

November 29, 2017

Quantum Waste has been selected to be part of the prestigious “Actors of Urban Change” Program
Actors of Urban Change aims to achieve sustainable and participatory urban development through 
cultural activities and by using specific potentials of culture as driver and enabler of positive change. 
This is carried out by strengthening the competencies for cross-sector collaboration among actors 
from the cultural, public and private sectors. Through local projects, an international qualification 
program, Europe-wide exchange and individual coaching, our participants put those skills into practice.

Actors of Urban Change is a wide program by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in cooperation with MitOst e.V.
This year 10 teams from around Europe have been selected: Chișinău (Moldova), Hamburg (Germany), 
Kherson (Ukraine), Lecce (Italy), London (UK), Oslo (Norway), Rijeka (Croatia), Timisoara (Romania), 
Valencia (Spain) and Vilnius (Lithuania).
And Quantum Waste is a proud member of the London team!
You can learn more about the Actors of Urban Change program here:

© Quantum Waste

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