The Imperial College of London is a leading educational institution and one very much committed with the environment too. Quantum Waste has been supporting Imperial College for years in its efforts to recover food waste and minimize their carbon footprint.
Back in 2010, Imperial College made a strong commitment with the environment: To reduce their carbon footprint by 20 per cent over a five-year period. When in 2011 Quantum Waste approached Imperial College with an innovative scheme for the decentralized composting of food waste their waste management team was quick to take up the challenge!
The logistics were easy enough: Evening collections of food waste bags from the Evelyn Gardens student residence halls. The challenge seemed to be convincing the students to adopt food waste recycling.
Quantum Waste, with the continued support of Imperial College’s waste management team, started a campaign of presentations first to student leaders, then to the dormitory wardens and finally to the students. Within a month the change in the recycling patterns of the student halls was evident: