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Merry Christmas 2017… 2018 almost here!

Merry Christmas 2017… 2018 almost here!

December 19, 2017

The Quantum Waste has been celebrating Christmas We work very hard at Quantum Waste but we had a break this week to celebrate the Christmas Season. We had fun, ate a lot, spoke about the work done so far and discussed about our plans for the future: farming land, electric …

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Actors of Urban Change

November 29, 2017

Quantum Waste has been selected to be part of the prestigious “Actors of Urban Change” Program Actors of Urban Change aims to achieve sustainable and participatory urban development through cultural activities and by using specific potentials of culture as driver and enabler of positive change. This is carried out by …

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Grovwing Volumes

October 31, 2017

Last year we launched our waste collection online booking system ( Since then, the number speak for themselves. – Quantum Waste have picked up waste from 242 shoots – We have collected 5954 bags – In the past year, 65 production companies and location managers have signed up for a …

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The Ad Green Initiative

The Ad Green Initiative

January 24, 2017

Our friends from Ad Green ( came to visit and this is what they had to say about what they saw: Recycling doesn’t actually happen, does it? Oh yes, it does! It all goes in the landfill in the end, right? Oh no, it doesn’t! In order to help dispel …

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Quantum Waste is proud to be working with the Herne Hill Forum

Quantum Waste is proud to be working with the Herne Hill Forum

September 21, 2016

Herne Hill business community needed to clean its act to free up space by removing wheelie bins from the streets and improving recycling rates We were lucky to be given the opportunity to give a hand. See what they have to say about our work:

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