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Fascinating research into microbiome’s role in crop growing

February 24, 2020

This article by Jill Langlois published on SMITHSONIANMAG.COM on 18 February 2020 looks at the work done by researchers at Brazil’s Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC). They have discovered that inoculating corn with microbes which facilitate sugarcane growth increases growth rate and drought resistance. This may provide a …

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If you thought separating waste was complicated…

July 12, 2019

Spare a thought for the citizens of Shanghai. This article, recently published in the Guardian, describes the complexities of separating waste in the city. Quantum Waste are thrilled abut this particular piece of advice: “Residents have also come up with a rule of thumb to make categorising waste simpler. If …

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A Useful Guide to Good Recycling

A Useful Guide to Good Recycling

July 05, 2019

This article (link below) published in the Guardian on the 2nd of July gives some much-needed clarity when it comes to separating waste correctly and identifying the right choices when shopping. We at Quantum Waste see how much confusion there is around this topic daily and appreciates all the help …

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Come and meet Quantum Waste at Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network’s Spring Gathering on 29 April 201

Come and meet Quantum Waste at Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network’s Spring Gathering on 29 April 201

April 09, 2019

As part of the development team behind the Poplar anaerobic digester, Quantum Waste would like to invite you to Spring Gathering, a spring growing and composting event organised by R-Urban and Women’s Environmental Network. The free event takes place on Monday 29 April at theTeviot Centre in Poplar from 10:30AM …

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UK Government Starts Consultation to Overhaul Current Waste System

March 18, 2019

The new proposals include a tax on plastic which does not contain at least 30% of recycled material, deposit return schemes for bottles and cans, food waste collections for all households and making producers pick up the cost of recycling their packaging. At Quantum Waste we are already collecting food …

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